Hosting of International Programmes

Through the leadership of Government, Ghana has become a preferred destination for hosting of international events. As a result of that development, the Authority played host to a number of international events during the period under review including:
•Hosting of the launch of the West African Chapter of the Commonwealth Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAYE-WA) in 2017.
•Hosting 150 young volunteers from across Africa as part of the 8th African Youth Volunteer Corps (AU-YVC) Training Programme in 2018
•Hosting of the 2nd Annual Forum of National Volunteer Agencies in West Africa in 2018.
•Hosting of the 3rd Annual Forum of National Volunteer Agencies in West Africa in 2019.
•Hosting of the Commonwealth Youth Senior Officials Meeting for the Africa Sub-region in 2019
•Hosting of Validation Meeting of the African Plan of Action for Youth Empowerment (APAYE) in 2019
Launch of YouthConnekt Platform
The Authority in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ghana office, launched the YouthConnekt Ghana platform to bring young persons from Ghana and across Africa together on one stage to share ideas, experiences and best practices in advancing the African youth development agenda.
The Authority played a significant role in promoting and sponsoring young Ghanaians in the international youth governance ecosystem.
Three young persons were elected into various positions at the international level as follows:
•Ms. Abena Dugan - elected as Vice-Chair in charge of Partnerships and Resources at theCommonwealth Youth Council (CYC)
•Ms. Eleanor Dziedzorm Klinogo – elected as the Representative of the African Region of the CYC.
•Mr. Ahmed Benning - elected as Deputy General-Secretary of the Pan African Youth Forum in 2018.